The Week that was: Instagrammed #5

Happy Sunday everyone! 🙂 It’s that time again to join in with ‘The Week that was: Instagrammed’link-up, organised by Hannah of Make, Do and Push! Here is my (slightly dull, but hey) week…

Sunday’s Blog Post: The Week that was Instagrammed #4
Sunday was an awesome day, V-man and I headed over to Surrey where our good friends were holding a garden party they named ‘Gold-fest!’ We had a huge BBQ with a huge table of puddings, and sat and watched great live music from artists such as Unsung Lilly and Rachel G. The weather was perfect and we had a lovely day all round. 

Monday was a peaceful day, as I’m still not 100% I just rested up and started to crochet an infinity scarf from this gorgeous grey aran yarn, accompanied of course by more yummy chocolates! Salted caramel chocolates are just…. amazing. 
Tuesday was all about make-up! I experimented for ages with my new make-up brushes from Eco-tools and Real Techniques, then took some shameless selfies of the results and blogged about them too. They are great I’m a real brush-convert and now no longer go around in patchy finger applied make-up, phew! I also received a parcel from Korean make-up company ‘Touch in SOL’ with some products to try. I’m using them at the moment and they are great, so expect a review shortly. 
My love for new make-up continued on Wednesday when these beauties from the Body Shop arrived, more pretty things to play with! also had a rebranding (which took HOURS) and my nails were painted spotty. 
Thursday’s Blog Post: Weekly Wishes #1
Thursday was a bit of a poorly day. After work I just chilled in my new unicorn pajamas (sexy) and I continued with my crochet scarf. I had a bit of an upset moment about being so ill again so V-man secretly ordered a Domino’s for us both on his iPad and ordered me my favourite pizza, with all my favourite toppings PLUS a pudding without even asking, that boy is a keeper! 
Friday I still didn’t feel 100% so I didn’t get any snaps worth sharing, however I did review the gorgeous Sleek eyeshadow palette! 

Saturday I woke up to find I had hit 200 Bloglovin followers, so I’ve started a little giveaway! Everyone loved my Sleek palette review so I’m offering you a chance to win a palette of your choice to say thanks for reading 🙂 
Finally, late on Saturday evening I finally finished my crochet cowl Apologies for how tired I look in this picture but I was so excited to finish I had to put it on and take a picture, of course! So this is my ‘YAY I finished but I’m SO tired’ face. 

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