Just recently I was contacted by a lovely gentleman from Currys, who invited me to enter their #PortableOffice competition to win one of two Microsoft Surface Pro 2 tablets (worth a massive £799 each). To enter the competition all they asked me to do is blog about how, when and where I write my blog. I thought this sounds like a fun post, plus I love to have a nosey into other people’s lifestyles too so this was right up my street. Here is my entry, wish me luck!
So, this is my trusty Macbook Pro – this little beauty is my absolute lifeline, it contains everything I need to blog from all my photo’s, my image editing software, plus apps that link to my diary for blog planning. It also syncs to my phone so everything I do is backed up onto my MacBook, as soon as I take a photo with my phone it appears on my laptop – clever, huh? I really couldn’t be without it. All of my blog posts are written on my Macbook, and it comes everywhere with me.
As I work full time, I tend to find time to blog when I can by squeezing in a couple of blog posts in if I have a spare couple of hours here and there, also at the weekend if I have a full day free I will dedicate it to blogging, putting together 4-5 posts and taking lots of pictures whilst I can in the natural daylight. It’s tough working full time and blogging and I quite often struggle for time, but I wouldn’t have it any other way, my blog is my baby and I’ll always make time for it.
As for where I blog, this is the bit that varies – I do a lot of my blog posts from home, however I have been known to use the free WiFi spots at coffee shops and even the pub a couple of times! Just recently I headed down to a local pub with friends for a beer, Thai food and blogging evening – it was perfect! Although I must admit it took about three times as long to write a blog post and I can’t 100% say my spelling was perfect by the end of the night! I think mixing up your location helps with creativity, so I’m always up for a change of scenery.
My other lifeline is my phone. I have the Samsung Galaxy S4, which I love. When I leave the house without it I feel almost like I’ve lost a limb, I’m a bit of a technology addict – I’ll admit it. For blogging, I mainly use my phone for responding to emails on the run, however I also keep up to date with news and press releases through Twitter and love to read blogs using the Bloglovin’ app. I take my phone everywhere, and whenever I have a spare 5 minutes you will find me catching up on my news feeds (perhaps a little too often!).
Inca Trail / Sunrise over the Amazon
Cusco by Night / Travel Journal
So, in April I’m planning to travel to Peru (as I’m sure you’ve all heard about, I’m pretty damn excited!) and I’m not going to let my blogging obsession wane whilst I’m away. Here are my plans for blogging whilst on the adventure holiday of a lifetime around Peru.
During my trip I’m planning to keep up to date with my blog posts, as I want to record everything along the way. I’m picturing sitting on a mountain after a hard day of trekking, 12,000ft above sea level with a pen and paper in hand, it’ll be the perfect place for clarity and creativity. As I’m not expecting there to be WiFi en route (I wish) I’m going to write an old fashioned travel journal along the way…. although to add a modern twist when I finish my trek my mission will be to find internet cafes to upload my adventures and the plenty of pictures taken along the way. It’s an adventure of a lifetime and I don’t want to forget a thing about it.
An Internet Cafe in Peru – If there is internet I will be there.
So, thats my blogging story – what is yours?
* If you would like to enter the competition, details are here. Enter until 12:00pm on 28th Feb to win! Good luck! *