Today I bring you two posts in one, my usual link up to the Nectar Collective’s Weekly Wishes, with a little picture catch up thrown in for good measure too. It’s been a busy week, I feel like I haven’t stopped! My job is really busy at the moment plus it was a friends birthday on Friday and a comedy night Sunday… I’ve been a busy bee. I don’t really feel I’ve completed my goals from last week, so I’m rolling them over again to this week. So, kind of cheating this week but in a way it’s a reminder to myself to stick to my goals.
So my goals (again…oops) for the week are:
Eat Healthy! I failed on the eating healthy front last week, probably with most of my calories coming from alcohol, nachos and chocolate. Oops. Time for a healthy week, I’ve already stocked up on fresh fruit and vegetables and don’t plan on drinking again for a little while!
Gym Classes! All booked into Step, Body Pump and Body Balance this week and loving being back at the gym. Might even squeeze a run around the park in too.
Get Organised! Again I’ve managed to fall behind with my blog, emails and reviews. Spending a few nights in this evening catching up and getting back on track as feeling disorganised really is one of my pet hates.
Here is my week in pictures…
loving the converse / teaching Robbie dog about tropical fish / egg tarts & chai
sneaky Body Shop order / this weeks filofax / blog redesign / converse