Meeting Florence / Coconut Dog / Donkey Wheel
Funky Nails / SO many foils / Fizzy Peaches
Matching Shirts / Preggo Sheep / New Hair
This week has been a much more chilled out week. Beginning to settle into my new place and things have started to settle down, finally! On Sunday I was super excited to meet my little baby cousin Florence, who is just so gorgeous, I’m totally smitten with her already and looking forward to our next cuddles (and not broody…. at ALL 😉 )
To treat myself after a stressful time I’ve taken some time out to pamper and look after myself this week. It started off energetically as I joined fellow blogger Rosie from Everything’s Rosie at her regular Zumba class, we shimmied and sexy salsa-ed into a sweat in no time! It was a great work out and so much fun too, I’ll be back next week as it’s a great cure to the Monday Blues for sure. Later on in the week I was excited to be asked in to check out a new nail bar called The Final Nail, which has recently opened in Brighton. I will be writing a whole post on my visit soon, so keep your eyes peeled, but it’s a beautiful little place, and the lovely ladies who work there, Alex and Lilly are so friendly too. We chatted about everything and anything as they gave me a full gel manicure with funky nail art. Those girls are totally talented when it comes to the beauty stuff, I’ll tell you. I’ll be back before Peru as they’ve promised me an awesome Peru-themed manicure – can’t wait to see it.
Continuing on the pampering bandwagon I finally decided to sort my oddly coloured hair. My ombré was lovely at the time, but the brunette faded into an odd shade of orange, that when in natural sunlight shone like a little ginger beacon…. something had to be done! I popped into one of my favourite salons in Hove, MySalonLooks, where the talented Kenny the Art Director managed to de-orange my hair. I’m now firmly back to my roots and a dirty blonde. It’s gorgeous and multi-tonal, I’m really pleased with it. I’ve always been blonde so it feels good to be back to a more natural shade. (Thank you Kenny!)
So far I’ve had a lovely weekend, catching up with my Mum & Dad on Saturday, we met at this gorgeous little farm where they serve Cream Teas in a beautiful little courtyard. We then had a mooch around the farm, saw some hugggeee pregnant sheep that are about to pop and went on a quest for the ‘Donkey Wheel’. Since then I’ve just been catching up with friends over food & beer (many beers) and finally bought a few bits for Peru. Less than two weeks to go… I CAN’T WAIT!
Have a lovely week everyone!!