In this day and age, online security is one of the most important considerations of modern society. Not many days pass without a story of internet fraud sneaking into the pages of an infamous tabloid paper of how a poor unsuspecting member of the public has been fleeced by fake on line purveyors of goods. If you are anything like me you’ll be a serial Internet shopper. I’m a sucker for anything that’s being talked about on blogs or if I see a new store opening up on Twitter. When something shiny catches my eye I feel like I want a piece and shopping online is way too easy, it almost doesn’t feel like you are spending real money. Sometimes I just don’t stop to think of the security aspect and whom I might be handing over my vital card details to. Having a mini-panic about this I decided for my own safety to do a bit of research into this, so I’ve put together a little list of tips that hopefully will help to keep us all safe and specially to kids as well.
1. Check the URL for https:// – the ‘s’ stands for secure.
2. When creating passwords for sites, avoid date of birth dates or pets names. Also make sure not to use the same password for every site.
3. Take care on public networks, you never know who could be accessing your details via a WiFi hotspot.
4. Paying by credit card gives extra protection – also make sure to check your bank statements regularly to ensure nothing untoward has taken place.
5. Check out the latest information about online security, I know it’s not the most fun topic but things change so quickly it’s important to keep safe. The BBC Webwise has some great tips, as does Cyber Street – this is a really good one as it’s a virtual online clothing store making it a little more fun and interesting too.