The lovely Sophie of Sophie Rose Hearts has passed the blog hop love onto me and it’s now my turn to answer the questions and to tag some others! Sophie is a gorgeous blogger I’ve met many times in person and is part of our little Brighton bloggers group. Sophie blogs about everything beauty, skincare, food, life and everything in between. I’ve been a big fan of her blog, and even before we met it’s always high up on my reading list.
Why do I write?
Blogging is my happy place, I love expressing myself through writing, sharing my life, photos and opinions and have been amazingly touched that people actually enjoy reading my rambles! I miss my blog when I’m away from it for a while and it’s my utter pride and joy. When I’ve had a bad day writing a blog post seems to be the best therapy as it’s my outlet. I do get writers block now and again, especially when I’m tired my creativity seems to dry out, but after a little break I’m back and wanting to write more than ever.
What am I working on?
I’ve always got so many ideas bubbling away in the background. I’ve been trying out some great beauty, cooking and crafting products recently, which will be fun to write about. However, some of my favourite posts to write are my blogging tips range, they always get so many lovely comments so it feels good to help out! Lastly, I’m also planning to share a lot more lifestyle, chatty, ‘what I’ve been up to’ style posts too as I started my blog to share these sort of posts in the first place so I don’t want to forget that.
How does it differ from others of its genre?
I don’t really try to fit into a genre, I just write about what I love. I guess my blog is just a true reflection of my personality in every way, rather than sticking to a set topic. If its something I love, or something on my mind, I’ll probably write about it here. I’ve read loads of blogging guides that recommend sticking to one genre, but I really like being able to express my thoughts on lots of different topics, I doubt I could stick to just one.Whether or not that’s the right choice, I don’t know but ultimately enjoying what I write is the most important aspect of blogging – I’ll just hope that someone enjoys reading it too 🙂
How does my writing process work?
I would love to say I’m totally organised but that would be a lie. I try to keep to a rough schedule but it doesn’t always work out! I just write posts as and when the mood takes me, with usually a couple of ’emergency drafts’ saved incase the inspiration doesn’t come. Now I have my Samsung Galaxy Tab, I’m finding it easier to write posts on the run, just jotting ideas down in the Evernote app and editing it properly later. The only thing I’m truly disciplined with is when companies send me a product, I have a list which is dated to make sure I get their review out on time! It’s so easy to let products pile up or get forgotten about so I keep that all really organised.
I would love to say I’m totally organised but that would be a lie. I try to keep to a rough schedule but it doesn’t always work out! I just write posts as and when the mood takes me, with usually a couple of ’emergency drafts’ saved incase the inspiration doesn’t come. Now I have my Samsung Galaxy Tab, I’m finding it easier to write posts on the run, just jotting ideas down in the Evernote app and editing it properly later. The only thing I’m truly disciplined with is when companies send me a product, I have a list which is dated to make sure I get their review out on time! It’s so easy to let products pile up or get forgotten about so I keep that all really organised.
This blog hop was started by the lovely Katy of Folly and Bloom and I now hand over the lovely bloggy baton to these two lovely ladies.
Rosie from Rosie Outfit – I’ve followed Rosies gorgeous blog for a couple of years now, for longer than I’ve been blogging myself. She blogs all things fashion and lifestyle. I just love her dreamy pictures of paddle boarding trips and walks through the woods, plus her little dog Bodhi is too cute too. She’s currently on an amazing adventure in the USA at the moment, but being the true blogging pro has left us with a load of scheduled posts to keep us occupied until she’s back. If you haven’t read her blog, you are missing a real gem.
Sally from Queenie and the Dew is another blogger I’ve been following a long time. She’s a London based blogger who writes about everything from fashion to food, home design to the latest reads, her blog is a real mix! I always enjoy her outfit posts, she has great style. I’ve currently been loving her gorgeous pics from Croatia, a place I’ve always wanted to go, it looks just stunning. A great blog to make sure you add to your reader.
If you have been tagged in the blog hop, leave your links below – I’d love to read your answers!