After slightly (ok, hugely) over-indulging on All inclusive in Cape Verde, I’m now back in the UK and I really need to get back into the swing of being healthy again, especially in the run up to Christmas, as let’s face it – who doesn’t put on a few pounds over Christmas time? When I put on my jeans after a week In floaty summer dresses and three large meals a day (not to mention the beer and cocktails) I realised I couldn’t even do up the button – oops, totally worth it at the time, but now something really has to be done!! Inspired by Simply Health’s blog post about Healthy habits I want to make some changes I can stick to. I really hate the word ‘diet’ – for me this is just setting myself up for failure, so I prefer to change my habits to make healthier choices, and still have a little bit of what I fancy, now and again!
So here are three main ways I want to make subtle changes to my habits to start feeling a little more healthy again!
1. Walking – my new job means I get the train to work, however the journey does include a 10 minute walk either side of the journey. This will add a regular 40 minutes of walking into my day, plus I’ll make a conscious effort to be more active by taking the stairs and walking on my lunch break.
2. Drinking more water – it’s so easy to forget to drink water, especially at work. I will quite often go a whole day just drinking tea and coffee which almost gives me the shakes with all that caffeine! I have read that being only 2% dehydrated makes you feel 20% less energetic and I definitely feel this is true. I’m going to be making sure to drink plenty of water during the day, mixing it up with the odd herbal tea or slice of lemon. I also love water enhancers like Stur, as they make water so much more appealing to drink, with zero added calories!
3. Being prepared – this for me really is the key point. When I have healthy food and and snacks with me, I’m not tempted to buy naughty treats, so I’m always prepared with my own food at all times to avoid grabbing something on the run, as 9 times out of 10 it’ll be something unhealthy!
Good luck if you are on a fitness/health kick at the moment!
What are your top tips for staying healthy?