How do we only have 15 day until Christmas? Where has the time gone this year!? After a Christmassy trip to Berlin, I can finally admit – I’m feeling a bit festive! So when the lovelies at New Look got in touch asking me all about my ‘Throwback Christmas Jumpers‘ I thought this would be a good place to start with some festive posts.
So, Christmas jumpers – I’ve had a few, some more embarrassing than others. I had wanted to include a few pictures of my Christmas jumper style in years gone by but the proper golden oldie snaps (actually in print – not digital, shock horror!) are safely nestled in my parents loft, probably gathering dust, never to be seen again. The only one I could find was nabbed from my Instagram account and I apologise for the horrific mirror selfie, I’m even pouting a bit – cringe! Not sure what I was thinking with the pose (or the jumper) but this was a Primark special, a cutesy reindeer number and I was on my way to Christmas Buffet day at work. Pure Christmas jumper tackiness in its true form, but fab for the work Christmas lunch as it’s always a fun day in the office.

Do you have a throwback Christmas Jumper or a favourite this year?