I was recently approached by fashion brand Simply Be to collaborate on their fantastic #SimplyBeReal campaign. I really love the sentiment behind this campaign, I often feel pressure to look a certain way and often feel my wardrobe is far from what I would like, but we all make do with what we have and it’s nice to see it’s not just me that feels that way.
They asked me to tell you all my #SimplyBeReal moment by sharing a fashion ‘real moment’, maybe when fashion doesn’t quite go to plan or an unexpected wardrobe malfunction. I’ve had a few of those, I’ll tell you! It took me a while to think of which moment to share (yes, there were that many) but I couldn’t help but smile thinking of a recent party I was ‘invited to’.
A few weeks ago I was having a lazy evening at home, it had been a long week and I couldn’t wait to relax in front of the TV with a large G&T in hand. Vee was at a friends party so I had the place to myself to watch loads of trashy telly and work on my new crochet project. I was feeling pretty tired but the dog was energetically bouncing around, eventually grabbing his lead in his mouth and looking longingly at me with the soppiest eyes in the world. Being a total sap around that dog (how can you resist those eyes?) I took him out for a long walk along the seafront to tire him out. Along the way text Vee to ask if she was ok and having a nice time at the party. She immediately rang me knowing I was in the area, asking me to pop by the party and meet her friends as I passed by. I told her I had just thrown on a baggy old winter jumper and jeans to walk the pup and was no way dressed for a party but she insisted I popped by.
Ten minutes later I arrived at the venue, after being dragged along a windy, cold seafront by our excitable dog and probably looking like I’d been dragged through a hedge backwards. As I walked through the door I realised not only was this a swanky 1920’s themed cocktail party, but everyone was in black suits and cocktail dresses – dressed up to the nines! I was hideously underdressed for such a fabulous party, but I felt all eyes on me as the dog dragged me straight into the centre of the room and immediately stuck his face in a bowl of crisps, gobbling down the lot before I could pull him away. Naughty pup!
Dying of embarrassment after crashing through the room with a crazy dog, in front all of Vee’s friends (most of which I’d never met!) I made a bit of chit chat and snuck off into the night to leave them to their party. Luckily for me Vee said they enjoyed my entrance and were thoroughly entertained by Robbie’s crisp stealing antics. Phew! Next time I’ll ask Vee for the dress code before gatecrashing her parties!
A big thank you to Simply Be for having me join in with their campaign and an even bigger thank you to the talented Willa for my gorgeous illustration which captures the moment beautifully!
Have you had a #SimplyBeReal moment? – I would love you to share your stories below!