PETS: Meet my new puppy

So, I have someone important to introduce to you today…. meet my new puppy, Yazmin. She’s Golden Retriever cross Labrador and she’s just six weeks old in this picture. I’m told, she loves nothing more than to play on the slide and lay on the grass. She’s a gorgeous warm and kind character and one day, she’s going to grow up to really help someone. That’s because….she’s a guide dog puppy.
Yes, you guessed it – unfortunately Yazmin isn’t going to come and live with us, I’ve actually just sponsored her and her training to become a Guide dog, so that she can grow up and help others when she’s a little bit older. She’s going to be sending me cute photos and ‘pupdates’ on her training, and although she isn’t technically mine, I still like to call her ‘my puppy’ 🙂

So, it all started a little earlier this week. After a tiring day at work, we snuggled on the sofa to watch the recent ITV program called ‘Me and my Guide Dog’. Within 15 minutes I was sitting with tears streaming down my cheeks. What a wonderfully emotional documentary of the journey each little puppy makes as they train to be a guide dog, and an even bigger journey for the ‘puppy parents’ who look after the dogs and train them ready to hand over to their owners. The program is so well filmed, it takes you through every emotion involved with guide dogs, from the utter joy they bring to the total devastation when they go. What really struck a chord with me, was the amazing support from the ‘Puppy Parents’ who only keep each dog for a few months whilst they train. I don’t know how they cope with bonding with a dog, knowing they’ll be giving them away a few months down the line. I certainly couldn’t do it and the owners on the program seemed to be having a hard time too. Amazing people, and amazing little dogs.

Watching the program this week inspired me find a Guide dog puppy of my own to support. Apparently, every hour someone in the UK goes blind so the need for more guide dogs is more than ever. Isn’t that such a shocking fact? It makes you realise how much we take having good eyesight for granted. Another option in the first instance if your eyesight is deteriorating is to try contact lenses so be sure to visit Pure Optical. How much of our lives would change if it went? When I started to think about it, I really don’t know what I’d do if I were blind – so these little dogs really work miracles to help people in that situation.

Dogs are such great companions for so many situations. They not only help the blind, but they can help the disabled and also offer so much comfort to those suffering from depression, anxiety…. They just help everyone. Since having our dog Robbie, he’s brought so much joy to my life, he is always happy to see me, we have cuddles when I’m sad and seeing his little happy face as we go for walks makes every walk in the cold and rain worthwhile.

So, I’m just going to excitedly await my first ‘pupdate’ from Yazmin and I’ll keep you posted on her progress!

If you’d like to sponsor a puppy visit the Guide Dogs website now (warning: incredibly CUTE pictures, click at your own risk) it’s only £1 a week so it’s really not much! An if you haven’t seen the ITV program, it’s on catch up here.



– Photos credit: Guide Dogs UK

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