It’s official, we have a roller! Violet can now roll from her tummy to her front and she can kind of shuffle about on her back. I seem to put her on the playmat in one place, turn my back and she’s across it on the other side, I’m not exactly sure how but I know she is starting to move a LOT and the days of being able to take my eyes off her for two minutes to nip to the loo are now over! So, as I’m trying to be super organised I thought I’d start to think about ways to prepare the house for once she is truly on the go and trying to crawl/pull herself up. Looking around my living room we have plenty of unbaby-friendly things (if thats even a word! 🙂 ) – I can see an open fire with sharp metal tools, a delicate ceramic statue and plenty of cables and wires – just to name a few things right in front of me! Not to mention the fact we live in an ‘upside down’ house and our bedroom is downstairs, so we have the main stairs coming off the living room – we’ll need a stairgate there for sure!
We have also been much more conscious about fire safety in the house too – I mean you don’t even need a baby for this one, but having a precious little one does remind you to double and triple check everything. We have been ensuring we have working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms (testing them frequently too), we don’t leave any appliances running unattended and have checked all of the cables and plugs too. There is so much to think about, isn’t there?
So, as I’m a total novice on babyproofing and house safety when it comes to little ones, I’ve turned some expert Mummy Bloggers to share some of their top tips! Here they are:
“Pop any breakables out of reach & secure cupboard doors! Both mine loved pulling everything out of the cupboard under the TV, so we ended up tying the two knob style handles together with a hair band! We also put stair gates on the kitchen and stairs” – Lylia Rose
“We haven’t baby-proofed the whole house but instead went down the route of explaining to Willow why she can’t touch something/go somewhere in the house. We did look into those plugs you put on plug sockets but read they are equally dangerous, so instead, explained to Willow she shouldn’t touch them because it’s dangerous and she could hurt herself. We have a stair gate on the kitchen, as it’s a small kitchen and I don’t want her getting to the cooker etc, but other than that we just have stairgates on the stairs and that’s it.” – Tattooed Tealady
“Make sure you don’t have a Trunki near the top of the stairs – mine decided to ride it down them … she survived, but it aged me a good 20 years!” – Pack the PJs
“We chose not to because we didn’t want to always have to have devices and stuff as we were in rented accommodation. Instead we moved dangerous things away and then then they soon got bored of opening doors!” – Scrapbook of our Lives
“We didn’t do any baby proofing other than a stair gate at the bottom of the stairs in our old house. We just taught them not to touch certain things, go in the kitchen etc . It’s worked well because when we visit and stay over at family members houses where it is about as far from babyproof as possible, there are no disasters” Coffee, Cake, Kids
“It’s hardly babyproofing, but we’ve made it so you can remove the door handle to our living room door. Now our toddler is tall enough to reach the handle, it’s the only way we’ve been able to stop him from trying to escape the house! Ridiculous, of course… but massively effective.” – The Mighty Duxburys
“We tried those magic cupboard safety things, but toddler figured them out within a week! Just a lot of saying “please don’t touch” and making sure there was a clear play space is what worked for us.” – Lycra Widow
“We haven’t got any baby gates etc. I’ve moved a few things that are potentially dangerous but to be honest we haven’t done a whole load of “baby proofing”. Violet has full run of the house and I’m happy for her to go up and down the stairs with supervision. She’s very confident and independent so I’m rolling with it!” – Gold Dust Blog
“With my older daughter who is now 7 we didn’t baby proof just taught her what she could/couldn’t do/touch. My youngest crawled at 6 months and walked at 9 months. She doesn’t understand no and you can’t explain to someone so young so everything is up high. We have cupboard locks and gates on stairs and the kitchen (because she eats the dog food ?) someone said to us get down on her level and see what she sees….well thats lots of plugs, wires and doors to open so we fixed all that. Now it just takes ages to cook anything after unlocking all the cupboards!” – This Crazy Mamma
“Strap the television down (one of the biggest accidental killers in the home), secure furniture to walls, get magnetic locks on the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen (while you’ve time to get used to using them before your little one is there waiting to gain access!) – get the ones that need a magnet to open them, rather than ones you open with your hand” – Katy Kicker
“Have somewhere higher near sofas to put drinks. We always used to just put on the coffee table or low shelves but small children will just tip those over. Move the coasters up high so you are not tempted to leave drinks where tiny hands can get them” – Someones Mum
A mix of opinions and some great tips! Some didn’t babyproof, some did. I think we will most definitely be doing some sort of babyproofing, the first thing being a stair gate and moving dangerous items out of the way! The rest we will see how we go.
How did you babyproof your house for your little ones? I’d love to hear some more tips in the comments below! Big thanks to all the bloggers who helped out with this one too!
Our house is SO un baby proof haha, we have a glass tv stand so I think we need to do something about that ASAP as Tyler is DESPERATE to crawl! I love these photos! She’s such a cutie!
Violet is adorable! I remember I used to pop my first on the bed, in our old home, when I had a shower and I could watch her through the door so I knew she was OK – then she rolled! No longer could I have my shower with her safely on the bed! Into the bathroom with me in a bouncer it was! 🙂