There are many ways to start a family. Sperm donation is one of them. Whether you are a same-sex couple, a single woman or a couple with fertility issues, using donor sperm to have a baby can be a solution.
On finding a sperm donor
Today, sperm donors are not only found in sperm banks or fertility clinics. Now, you can search for a sperm donor who suits your criteria online. Over the last decade, many dedicated websites have popped up on the internet. The concept is simple and is similar to dating sites: you just need to register, browse the profiles and then contact those that interest you. This is a good option for those who want to cut costs or who don’t feel comfortable going to a fertility clinic or a sperm bank.
If you opt for a sperm donor online, you should be thorough and careful when making your selection. After all, you don’t know the donors! Make sure that they provide you with medical tests to be absolutely certain that their sperm is of good quality and that they are not carrying any infectious or genetic diseases.
Many people will prefer to find their donor the “classic” way, that is to say, via a fertility clinic or sperm bank such as Fertility Plus. The advantage of this method is that each donor is rigorously selected and screened to ensure that they are healthy and that they won’t pass on any diseases to you or your baby.
Another solution is to order donor sperm from an online sperm bank. Just as with any regular sperm banks, each prospective donor will have undergone a multitude of tests. It’s a good alternative if you want to have lots of choice and have the frozen sample directly delivered to your home.
Becoming pregnant with sperm donation
Finding the right donor is one thing, becoming pregnant with the donated sperm is another. Depending on your personal situation, your preferences or your fertility, you have (once again) different options. One is artificial insemination, whether in a licensed fertility centre performed by medical staff, or in the comfort of your own home, where you can perform the procedure yourself.
Unfortunately, artificial insemination or intrauterine insemination doesn’t always work. IVF (in vitro fertilisation) is another way to conceive and is often recommended after several failed attempts of insemination. The principle is that, after being collected, the eggs and the sperm (donated or not) are fertilised in a laboratory. Several days later, the resultant embryo is transferred into the woman’s womb. You then have to wait to see if you have successfully become pregnant.
Making your sperm donor your co-parent
There is another option if you want to become parents via sperm donation: co-parenting with the sperm donor. In fact, it’s fairly common for men to want more involvement than simply providing their sperm. Many also want to be part of the child’s life. If you are attracted to the idea of your donor also taking on a fatherly role towards your child, you can choose a known donor online. You can agree to raise your future child together without being romantically involved, whether you are both involved in a separate relationship or are single. Having a child with a co-parent is more and more common and is growing in popularity amongst single women or LGBTQ couples.
Finally, becoming a parent is sometimes a long road full of obstacles. It can take several years, lots of stress and maybe even some tears, before you finally have the opportunity to hold your little one in your arms. Trying to conceive may require patience and a great deal of courage, but once all is said and done, you’ll undoubtedly feel like all the trouble was worth it.
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