I know, baby change facilities is not the most exciting of topics, is it? But when you have a little baby – they are kind of a big deal! I often think it’s clear that shops/restaurants have not put much thought into them when installing a quick table into their disabled toilet and calling it a ‘baby change‘ – as usually it will be totally illogical and installed by someone who clearly hasn’t had a baby, or unclean – so I wish more of us would speak up about how rubbish most facilities really are.
We’ve all had that awful moment where we have to change our babies nappies in the worst conditions. Usually, just to make things worse that’ll be the day they’ve done a poonami too – it happens to the best of us! The other day I had to change Violet’s nappy on a window ledge whilst she clutched at a painting of the Mona Lisa (!) that she’d pulled down in a mad scrabble to pull leggings off a wriggly baby who decided to twist around in circles like a tornado. I let her hold the painting until I was done as at least then she’d have something to distract her from rolling off the precarious window ledge! Yep, that really happened. You’d think they’d just be helpful and install a pull-down table, wouldn’t you!
So, I was recently asked by Direct365 to ‘go undercover‘ to secretly film and suss out two very different baby change facilities in a mission to find out what makes a good facility and what makes it bad. On this ‘mission’ were 9 other parents from around the country, so hopefully together can start to spread the word on what we need to take care of our little babies bums whilst on the move! We were asked to look at each facility and mark it for things like – cleanliness, space to move about, extra chairs for feeding, nappy bins, supplies and everything you’d expect from a good baby change facility.
This is all part of Direct365’s latest campaign to improve baby change facilities across the UK – they have recently launched these funny baby videos too.
So, I’m sure you are waiting to see my video now…. here it is!
How do you think this compares to your local change facilities?