It seems I’m a bit rubbish at keeping up to date with these ‘life update’ posts, although I love writing them and looking back at them, so I’m not sure why. I’ve got a couple of hours to myself on a Sunday morning (a real rarity!) I thought I’d quickly do a round-up of all our latest news as it’s been a crazy time, it feels like so much has happened over the last few weeks I need a few moments to reflect and write it all down…..!
Going back to Work
The MAIN change is that I’ve now gone back to work. I was surprised to get so many comments when I told everyone this as I didn’t realise most people thought I am a full-time blogger – sadly not. I actually also have an office job which I have returned to after maternity Leave, although just part-time now. I have to say, going back to work knocked me for six in many ways – firstly and foremost, being away from Violet has been the killer. The couple of weeks leading up to my first day back I felt I was clinging onto every moment with her, a little smile or cute moment would tip me over the edge and I’d end up in a teary, Mum-guilt mess that our precious time together was over. Honestly, I will treasure my maternity leave as the best time of my life, so as the time ticked down I couldn’t help but be sad. Going back to work felt so bizarre, the office was just the same, nothing had changed, it was like going back in a time warp to my ‘previous life’. The pace of life without a baby around feels so slow! Even if I’m busy at my computer, just having one thing to think about is so different to what I am used to and such a break from the chaos of life at home. I’ve even had a few cups of tea that were hot, with time to dip my biscuits in too without little fingers grabbing at them. It’s the little things. I knew this would be a shock to the system but my work have been incredibly flexible and supportive so I’m sure I’ll adjust very soon.
I wrote a few posts about the end of my maternity leave here & here.
Violet at Nursery
So, Violet is now fully-fledged at nursery and I think she is getting on really well! It’s hard to tell at first as she does cry on the drop-off every day, which I feel leaves a bad taste in my mouth for the entire morning and sets me up for a day of worrying whether she’s settled, but by the time I collect her after work they always say she calmed down quickly and has had lots of fun doing the activities and playing with the other children. They do things like messy play, painting, building, singing and more – her development has come on leaps and bounds since joining so it’s definitely a good thing. Our nursery also have an app so I can login and see what she’s up to most of the day, they log her meals, sleeps, nappy changes and some activities (with photos!) so thats so reassuring to see. I’m really pleased we chose the nursery we did as they are really lovely and so good with her, I just wish she wouldn’t cry at drop-off but maybe that’ll take some time.
Screenshots from Violets Nursery app – bless her!
House Sale Progress
I put in my last couple of updates that we are buying a house at the moment, but like usual, the sale process is long and drawn out, so although things are still progressing nicely, we don’t really have much of an update on this yet. We are hoping to move late-April and I’m keeping my fingers crossed it doesn’t go on any longer than that as I want lots of time to sort the house and settle before Baby #2 comes along! We are currently in the process of renting out our current place, so have been cleaning like crazy before viewings which is hard with a toddler who has a fascination for pulling everything out of drawers and cupboards for no reason!
Waterbumps Class
As you’ll all know, we love our Waterbabies classes for Violet and go every week. Since becoming pregnant, V has taken over the reins as I have just been way to exhausted and now Violet has moved into Chapter 4 things are really picking up the pace. However, starting this week I’ve now got a lesson for myself and my bump instead, later today I’m going to be attending my first Waterbumps class, run by the same team that do Waterbabies. It’s run in the same lovely warm pool too, so I can’t wait to get in as I’m starting to feel quite a few pregnancy aches and pains already. My class is shortly after Violet’s so we’ll be taking turns in the water every Sunday now. Waterbumps looks fantastic, it’s a class to relax and do some gentle exercise whilst pregnant. I will report back on how it all goes!
Violet is ONE!
Lastly, Violet turned ONE and had the cutest birthday birthday – did you see the post here?
So, thats all of our news for now! Happy Sunday! ?
Hope your week is going well lovely. Sorry to hear your moving process is so long and drawn out, hopefully it will push along!!