Most bloggers run their blogs alongside a full-time job, as well as juggling family time and a social life. With so many demands on your time, it can be hard to find the time to dedicate to your blog to keep it on track. With these easy tips, you can manage your time better and still keep the standard of your blog high.
- Set goals. Having a clear vision helps you keep on track with everything you do with your blog. Use the SMART business method to set goals which are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. Set a specific target, such as increasing traffic by 10%. Measure your progress, using tools like analytics. Make sure the target is attainable and relevant to your blog, and can be achieved in a timely manner.
- Plan your content. Build a schedule and stick to it. Plan out every part of your content, from research, to writing and editing time, and promoting. You can schedule a time for reading other blogs, replying to comments and commenting on other people’s social media. Intelligent information management can help you manage your content from creation to distribution. When you have your schedule, make sure you stick to it.
- Write down ideas. If you often find yourself staring at a blank blog post with no idea what to write, start recording ideas. Keep a pen and notepad handy, or use the notes app on your phone. When ideas come to you, whether you’re actually brainstorming or have a sudden idea while you’re waiting for the bus, make sure you write them down before you forget about them. You can use these notes to mine for content ideas later on.
- Research. When you have a bank of ideas ready, start doing some research. The internet is a great resource to start building an idea into a proper piece of content. You could also ask your friends for their thoughts and use them to get some helpful feedback.
- Cut out distractions. It’s easy to stop blogging and wander off, instead of working. Put your phone on silent (or turn it off), close Facebook and log out of Twitter. Turn off the TV, and try and retreat to a quiet part of the house where you can work undisturbed. Set aside work time that is used purely for that and make sure your family know to leave you on. If you can, find a room where you can close the door and work in peace, with proper concentration.
- Try not to edit as you go. It can be easy to get stuck in an editing loop instead of writing, and you find yourself writing the same paragraph over and over instead of progressing. Instead, just write, and get the whole post written before you attempt to edit. This way, you’ll actually get the content written.
- Schedule and automate. Take advantage of automation tools and schedule as much as you can. Schedule your social media and your blog posts, so there’s always content going out even when you’re too busy to be posting yourself.
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