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Do you know a toddler who doesn’t LOVE Peppa Pig? I certainly don’t! Both Violet and Pearl just love Peppa Pig so I knew the Counting with Peppa toy would be just perfect for both of them and is an ideal present for Christmas this year. Counting with Peppa is a fabulous interactive toy in our favourite character that helps toddlers learn counting, numbers and colours as well as being cute too.
The Count with Peppa toy is a bright, colourful Peppa who talks, plays music and asks questions. She comes with 10 colourful coins to play with and has a little postbox for the coins with a flap to easily retrieve the coins once they have been posted. She is designed for toddlers 2+ but at 16 months Pearl is already enjoying playing with her by simply posting the coins over and over and this will only continue to grow as Pearl learns more about numbers and colours.
There are eight different ways to play with Count with Peppa – Peppa is super clever and recognises which coins have been inserted and responds accordingly with one of the activity games. I love how the activities range in ability with some games more simple than others – allowing the toy to stay interesting as the child grows.
Both girls have been able to interact with Peppa in different ways – Pearl loves to just post the coins, using her fine motor skills to line the coins up with the little postbox and discover them by opening the flap.
Violet can count to 10 already, so finds the games more interesting. Peppa will ask ‘Find a coin with four dinosaurs?’ and she’ll look through the coins to find the right one. I just love how Peppa can tell which coins have been posted and will tell Violet if she’s correct or not – this really helps with their learning and holds their interest as it’s so much more interactive with this function.
Count with Peppa also plays 3 songs from the TV series, which come on at random moments, breaking up the game with a little song! When ‘1, 2, 3, 4, 5…. Once I caught a fish alive!’ comes on Violet gets up and dances round the room, only to return to peek concentration the next moment, it’s so funny to watch! Usually noisy toys can be a bit repetitive, but I don’t find the noises/sounds of this toy annoying as it mixes it up so much.
Count with Peppa is a great toy for Christmas – one that will keep them entertained for a long time and grow with their abilities over time. I really love that the girls enjoy this toy together, it’s suitable for different levels at the flick of a switch and they can learn from each other (and squabble over the odd coin too!)
Count with Peppa retails at £19.99 and can be found here.
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