It is an exciting time for millions of people in terms of working from home. More people have made a move to being freelance or running a small home business in the last few years. And, while most of us start out at the kitchen table, at 10pm when we can’t sleep, it can quickly move and grow into something great.
Sound familiar?
Over time you might find that you need, and want, more space for you to explore your creativity, to create and work in a more focused way.
Here are a couple of suggestions that might work wonders for you when it comes to creating that space.
Photo – Unsplash
Guest Room
If you have a guest room but aren’t prepared to exchange it for an office, then there are still things you can do. Consider how often the guest room is used, and compare that with how often you will use it for work. This can be a hard decision as most guest rooms are kitted out with a bed, and some empty drawers.
However, swapping the guest bed for a foldable sofa bed can make the room feel more like a workspace. The sofa can be used while you are brainstorming or making video calls. Yet, in a moment’s notice, the bed can be made and used for guests.
These are a permanent but often ideal solution if you have space and funds to make it work. Extending your home in most cases will add value to it, which is perfect for when you want to sell it. Planning an extension can be a lot of fun too when you have a focus on what you need from the space, you can have something created that works for your needs. Not to mention that if you opt for an extension with a lot of glass, the natural light is ideal for photography, drawing and painting, creating and so much more. As well as being better for your overall productivity.
The Nook
If space is a premium, then instead of taking over an entire room, look for the nooks. There are a number of great fold down desk solutions if you work mainly with a laptop. And for those with smaller children, standing desks can wind high enough to keep computers and notebooks out of reach. Space-saving desks, well-placed wall storage, surrounding yourself with some of your favourite artwork in custom frames, and the nook will be a little space of creativity. Although you might want to invest in some noise-cancelling headphones if you opt for this one.
A space that is dedicated to working is essential for those who work from home. It will enable you to have a split between work and home life – even though they are in the same building. Knowing that the moment you sit at the desk, or close the door, it is time to work can improve your productivity and give you space to get creative, or get into deep working mode. Working from home can often be a battle to find the balance, but a dedicated space can help make that distinction.
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