In the first few weeks of the lockdown, I stuck to writing our weekly lockdown diary but as the weeks have dragged on (and they REALLY have now) things have slipped a bit. If I’m honest, there’s been nothing to report – inbetween watering my plants and baking sourdough, life has just plodded on. But this week I feel there is change in the air, so it’s about time for our next update.
Last week I felt just about at breaking point with lockdown and as life LOVES to throw a curveball, V had a huge change at work right at that point which is an amazing opportunity but means increased working hours and a huge amount more pressure. We talked a lot about what to do but decided too greater opportunity to miss, she had to go for it, but the best option is to send the girls back to the nursery. I was initially terrified about due to the COVID risk it but after long chats with the nursery about the safety measures and how they will be in a small ‘bubble’ of children, I’m feeling so much happier that this is the right decision for ALL of us. The girls need to have social interaction and stimulation and I need it for my mental health. I’ll be able to work for 2 full days a week child-free – it will make such a difference to me, I’ve missed working so much. So, I’m trying to think positive and be excited about the changes we have ahead.
OUT AND ABOUT: In the last couple of weeks restrictions have lifted a little so we’ve been able to start going out more. We’ve been meeting up with a few close friends and family for little picnics and it’s been lovely. The change of scenery has done us all the world of good. We’ve got two favourite spots – the beach and a local park where the girls have been learning to fly kites. When we take the girls out they just run and run without stopping, so full of energy. It really does give them the boost they need.

AT HOME: At home, we’ve slacked on the homeschooling in the last few weeks. We’ve all been feeling a case of ‘lockdown fatigue’ and no one seems to have the motivation or interest in doing anything educational. I’ve tried to encourage the girls with various activities but they are bored with being at home so show little interest. I’ve found just getting them involved with life around the house is much better for us all – asking them to help with cooking, cleaning, gardening all help to keep them busy and a sense of purpose. I think that is learning in itself! I’ll admit we have watched a LOT more TV in the last few weeks though, we’ve just been getting by and that is totally fine.
Violet has really enjoyed learning about growing plants from seeds and both girls love watering the garden, so giving them a couple of watering cans and some water keeps them busy for ages!

We did splurge on a lockdown treat – our new Layz Spa hot tub arrived this week after being on order for three months! It’s a bit of an extravagant treat but when our holiday was cancelled we bought it with the money we would have spent – so I see it as a little holiday at home. It certainly feels like it! We love to have a dip right at the end of the evening, it helps to unwind before bed and snatch a few moments of down-time when the girls are asleep.
The girls have been hooked to Disney+, who must really be cashing in with everyone stuck indoors! We’ve been loving the Little Mermaid Live show on Disney+, plus all the Studio Ghibli movies like My Neighbour Totoro and Ponyo on Netflix too!
In the evenings we’ve been watching Little Fires Everywhere (Amazon Prime) which we LOVED, the new season of Queer Eye (Netflix) plus we’ve just started Big Little Lies, although I’m not hooked yet. Have you watched it?
We also got totally absorbed in watching the SpaceX Crew Dragon Launch. It was a shame the first launch didn’t go ahead, but we tuned in on the Saturday and had drinks with the neighbours in our front garden as we all watched the launch which made it a bit more fun. That evening after dark we managed to catch a glimpse of both the ISS and Crew Dragon whizzing over the house, which was just incredible.
Not a lot! I’m avoiding the news where possible. That has really helped with calming my corona-panic. I check in with the news once every few days but that’s about it. I’ve still got brain fuzz when it comes to reading, but I’ve been loving Audiobooks. I listened to Tim Peak’s ‘Ask and Astronaut’ after getting space fever watching the SpaceX launch.

In the grand scheme of things I think we’ve relaxed into lockdown life. As restrictions ease, I wonder if we’ll ever truly go back to our ‘old life’ as I quite like my slower pace making sourdough breading, growing vegetables from seeds and bobbing about in the hot tub. All of those new hobbies have really helped to occupy my mind during the downtime when the girls are asleep.
When the girls are awake however, it’s a different picture – my feet don’t touch the ground and they are EXHAUSTING. I think where they are just bored with being at home, entertaining them is harder than ever. They fight more and cry and the drop of a hat. Every day is a bit of a rollercoaster, but I’m just taking it one day at a time and think them going back to nursery will be the best for us all!