Being an environmentally friendly parent is a way of life that includes a healthy lifestyle choice, which is often organic, natural, and low in toxins for the environment. While it may seem a bit overwhelming, it can be easy.
Instead of focusing on the whole world, you should focus on these three things:
- What gets into your baby’s mouth
- What affects his/her skin
- The air he/she breathes.
When you look at the diseases that are growing, we don’t just inherit them. It is a change in our lifestyle, which means there are answers to life’s questions that can change the odds in our baby’s favor.
Photo by Colin Maynard
Pregnancy: A Healthy Start
Pregnancy is a great time to adopt Earth-friendly behavior. Choose non-toxic household cleaners, paints, and pesticides to limit exposure to unnecessary chemicals. Many non-toxic products are vegetable-based or labeled as safe for home use.
Animal research suggests that exposure to pesticides at high levels can lead to miscarriages and low birth weight.
Consider purchasing organic substances for leafy greens and thin skin fruits such as peaches and strawberries.
Some cosmetic products may contain harmful substances; see a doctor for alternatives.
Create A Non-Toxic Nursery
Furniture, paints, and carpets may contain Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). VOCs are chemicals that can cause headaches, nausea, and even organ damage if exposure is prolonged.
Volatile Organic Compound levels indoors are, on average, two to five times higher than outdoors.
To limit VOCs in kindergarten, look for solid wood furniture with a low-emission finish. You should use paints with low or no Volatile Organic Compounds. It is necessary to increase ventilation and keep temperatures and humidity low, but comfortable. Warmer and wetter rooms will release more VOCs.
If you use decorative objects such as scented candles to create a calming atmosphere, it is important to use environmentally friendly vegan candles made of natural wax to provide a safe, clean burn. It will keep your child’s environment as natural and healthy as possible.
Disposable Vs. Cloth Diapers
Disposable diapers clog up dumps. However, tissue nappies require multiple washes, which require a lot of water and energy. Consider using a highly efficient washing machine to save water and electricity.
Disposable diapers are more convenient for many parents. Some grades are made without bleach, while others are washable or compostable. You can use natural baby wipes to replace disposable ones.
Breastfeeding Vs. Bottle Feeding
Breastfeeding uses no packaging, no waste, and no preparation is required. It is an environmentally friendly variant of feeding the child.
As some substances may pass through breast milk, limit exposure to chemicals such as lead, mercury, and cigarette smoke. Some women should not breastfeed for medical reasons or because of the use of certain medications.
Solid Foods For Baby And Beyond
Cooking baby food is as easy as grating or mashing fruits and vegetables. Home cooking makes it easy to avoid excess salt, sugar, and preservatives.
Children can be particularly sensitive to pesticides. Some foods, including general favorites such as apples, peaches, and pears, tend to have more pesticide residues.
Think about buying organic versions of these products. As children grow older, they continue to focus on whole foods rather than on processed foods.
Conserve At Bath Time
You can save energy and water by bathing your baby just a few times a week. If you bath your baby too often and use scented products, these products can dry out the skin. PVC shower curtains often contain volatile organic compounds (VOC), so look for fabric curtains.
Many shampoos, plastics, lotions, and powders, even for babies, contain phthalates chemicals that are associated with a range of health problems. Choose products without phthalates or the addition of flavorings.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Ask other parents what equipment you need and what you can do without. Consider used books and clothing, especially those you will not use for a very long time.
You should avoid using chest pumps that may have been contaminated, and used car seats that may not meet up to date safety standards or may have been damaged by accident.
Before selecting a crib, contact the manufacturer for feedback and safety information. Give away overgrown toys and clothing.
Plant Something With Your Baby
Being outdoors in your garden can be one of the best activities for you and your child. Depending on your baby’s age, you can plant something together.
Then, place a blanket on the ground for them to sit or lie down, or let them run and play in the mud and grass. It is a fun activity that your baby is likely to do many more times, and it will only get better each time!
In addition to fun, you will also help the environment and allow pleasant memories to be preserved and watch the plants grow with your children. Playing in the mud can also strengthen your child’s immune system.
Green Cleaning
Living room cleaning products may contain aggressive chemicals that are dangerous for small children. Use non-toxic cleaning products or household solutions that include vinegar, baking soda, or lemon juice.
Children accumulate a lot of dirty laundry, so choose delicate detergents that are easy on their sensitive skin and the environment.
Choose Plastics Carefully
There is a lot of controversy about the safety of some toys that are plastic. The chemicals some toys and plastic containers contain can be harmful.
It’s hard to tell which plastic contains BFA. Choose safer ones labeled 1, 2, 4, or 5 and avoid those labeled 3, 6, or 7.
You should not heat plastics (including plastic packaging) in the microwave oven. Consider using glass children’s bottles and food storage containers.
Fabric toys or wooden blocks for babies can be an excellent alternative to plastic toys.
Drive Less, Walk More
With a child, it can be difficult not to use the car. While walking sounds good in theory, it is much easier to put your baby inside the car and drive away, isn’t it?
At some point, yes. However, it is not always about being comfortable driving in a car.
Just think about it. Instead of driving in the car, you can take a quiet walk with your baby to get some fresh air and help preserve the environment. Your baby will surely love it.
There are other options, such as taking a bike designed for parents. Both parents and children can benefit a lot if they go outdoors. Therefore, they should try to go to the park nearby to walk every weekend.
To Sum Up
Children, like sponges, absorb nearly everything they hear and see. Therefore, show them how to take care of the environment while conserving resources. Turn off the lights, reduce mileage, and don’t waste food. You should build respect for nature by walking in the woods and playing in the park.
If you create an appreciation for the wonders of nature, your children will grow up and understand the importance of caring for it.
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