Life as we know it has changed this year. None of us ever expected to be faced with lockdowns and things in life standing still. Many not working, others doing reduced hours or facing extra pressures in their workplace. There has been financial strain as well as mental wellbeing issues. However, life is starting to get back to normal, and we are facing a new way of living while we try to get back to the way things were. However, it can be hard to pull yourself out of the mood that you have found yourself in during these past few months.
It is time to start getting your life moving again, but you may be wondering how best to go about it? How can you get organised? How can you get back on track and make some positive changes for the future? With that in mind, here are some of the ways that you can do it.
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Making more use of smartphone apps to keep you on the go
Sometimes we need to make more use of technology to help make our lives more simple. Smartphones now have the capability of having apps that can help us keep up to date with TV, keep track of our fitness levels and goals and even work on the go. Working can often be made simpler with technology such as Skype and Zoom and social media apps like Facebook and Youtube can help you to stay connected with families and friends.
Planning is critical so get yourself organized with a planner or wall chart
Life can’t keep moving when you are busy and have a full schedule without careful planning and consideration in advance. This means doing things like meal planning and ensuring your family is fed, right through to organizing when those bills need to be paid or those deadlines need to be met. There can be a time where you have so many plates spinning that if one falls, they all will. So get yourself a decent planner, use your phone for a digital diary or even get a wall chart to help you keep your days and weeks in check. It can be quite therapeutic to take a few moments to plan out your week and feel satisfied with what you are about to achieve.
Dealing with ongoing mental health issues
One thing we can all agree on is the mental impact this year might have had on you. It has affected people in different ways but for some, there has been developments in anxiety and depression that have been some of the common causes for concern. Dealing with these issues is crucial to help you move forward with your life, not that we enter this new normal of working and living. Finding things that can help you is a good option to explore. Whether that is cbd sweets that you can try to calm your nerves, or looking at therapies such as talking counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy to help you cope might enable you to feel stronger mentally.
Learning to let things go to keep your mind clear
Being busy means that your mind can often get cluttered with all sorts of thoughts about what you are doing, what you have to do and everything in between. It can often be one of the most exhausting things about it. It can be difficult at times, but there are often points in your way where you just have to let things go. This can be hard for someone who is a bit of a perfectionist, I admit. But letting go keeps your mind clear and on the job in hand. Remember those spinning plates and not letting one fall? Your mind has much to do with that.
Always find the fun to help you through the tough times
Finally, having a smile on your face is crucial to get through the day, especially right now, and can help you overcome some of the toughest of times. Being busy will often present itself with its fair share of problems, but laughing your way through it and smiling will keep you going and can turn what was a tough situation into something fun and resembling normal once more. Smiling can often be the best medicine and not only help you, but others around you. Try it today and see for yourself the difference it can make.
Let’s hope these tips help you keep your life moving when you feel like you have no time at all.
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