What to do when you’ve outgrown your home

I know when we bought our first house I never imagined outgrowing it – it felt like SO much space. But as you welcome children, pets and more (and more!) furniture the place can soon fill up. It’s especially common if you rushed into buying your first home just to move out of your parents house. It’s hard to plan for the future or afford a larger home straight away. 

Even if this wasn’t the case for you, there will still come a time for pretty much everybody where you’ll realise you’ve outgrown your own home. Seeing the same four walls, and the same interior design can become boring, especially when space feels at a premium. When this does happen there are only two options. You’re either going to have to move or renovate. The second is probably the more expensive option when you weigh up the costs, and it doesn’t change the area you live in. But if you’re happy with the area then the renovation might be the best option. Anyway, here’s a bit about both and why they might suit you.


This is the bigger option, and it is most likely going to be the one that is going to cause you the most stress. There’s inevitably going to come a time where you just outgrow the house and area you live in. There’s no point in being unhappy in the area you live is, you might feel it would be beneficial to relocate and give yourself and your family a better future. The actual move itself isn’t that stressful, you can get companies to help you with transporting your things that will ultimately save you a lot of hassle. It is the actual planning of it all and weighing up the financial risks that can stress a lot of people out. I would try and get conveyancing help to work out the right decision for you. There will be a lot to decide, the housing market moves quickly and there are often so many different houses for sale, it can be hard to know which one is truly going to make you happy. The best advice we can give is make sure you don’t rush into anything. Stick around and wait for the perfect house to appear. You’ll just know when it’s your perfect forever home! Then you can start worrying about things such as swapping over your bills, and changing your address on all the different accounts that you might have.


Renovating is possibly the more simple option. To some, it is still considered an absolute nightmare. If you’re having something such as the kitchen completely renovated, it obviously makes things such as eating and washing up a lot harder. Maybe you might plan to have a huge extension which can really be noisy and intrusive but can completely change a house around and give you the space you are looking for. But the best thing about renovating is it is giving you the chance to change the home you once fell in love with, into something you can fall in love with once again. You can make the home completely brand new just by switching up a few of the rooms. It can easily transform an outdated old home into a modern brand new one that will wow all of your friends and family. It will often increase the value of your home as well!

There is a lot to think about when you’ve outgrown your home, so I hope this post helps!


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