Looking After Your Body Throughout Your Life

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We are affected by our environment from the moment we are born, and our cells begin to age. Throughout life, there are specific medical issues with which we might be faced. Some are genetic, and some are of our own making. Therefore, while you might be predisposed to a congenital form of cancer, about which you can do nothing, you can help yourself by looking after your teeth or eyes. Looking after your body throughout your life is easier than ever. And while the physiology of the human body is vast and complex, there are certain aspects over which you have direct control.

Oral Hygiene

Taking care of your mouth is among one of the most crucial health care components throughout life. Unfortunately, poor oral hygiene leads to infection and cavities. These further result in tooth loss, ulcers and oral cancer. Fortunately, oral care is easy, but it needs to begin as early as possible in childhood and encourage kids. Although adequate oral hygiene will reduce problems, dental issues will occur throughout your life. These are remedied with such things as dental implants, dentures and surgery.

Ocular Care

Most people overlook the adequate care of their eyes, yet poor eye care can lead to blindness and low vision. Further, issues can be exacerbated by external problems such as diabetes, age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma. Fortunately, you can contribute to good eye care with the following:

  • Healthy and balanced diet.
  • Avoid excess weight.
  • Regular eye tests.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Wearing sunglasses.
  • Wearing protective eyewear.
  • Quit smoking.

You can further improve eye care with specific foods. For example, vitamin C and proteins contribute to ocular health. Some examples include bell peppers, sunflower seeds, nuts, leafy greens, omega-rich fish, lean meats and eggs.

Cardiovascular Health

Coronary heart disease and cardiac issues are among the top killers in the Western world. Almost 18 million people per year die from cardiovascular diseases. CVDs contribute to fatal problems like heart attack and stroke. It is therefore essential that you maintain good cardiovascular health to avoid these debilitating health concerns. Heart-pumping aerobic exercises are optimal. These include brisk walking, running, swimming and non-contact sports.

Organ and Bone Maintenance

You must maintain organ and bone health. From birth, your parents see to this through breast or formula feeding and then with vitamin-rich foods. It is helpful if you then maintain this through to adulthood. Unfortunately, many children are deficient in vitamin D, which is essential for the bones and organs. The good news is that getting vitamin D is as easy as sitting outside in the sun. With adequate vitamin D, you help your body maintain calcium for bones and benefit organ tissues like marrow, breast, colon, intestine, kidney, lung, prostate, retina, skin, stomach and the uterus.

Improved Circulation

While it’s not a medical condition itself, poor circulation stems from other issues. It is also common with older people yet can occur in young adults and children. Symptoms of poor circulation include varicose veins, skin discolouration and restless leg or arm syndrome. However, you can reduce the effects and symptoms of poor circulation with specific routines throughout life. The easiest way to combat circulation issues is with exercise. Any type of regular physical activity will suffice. A healthy diet and avoidance of drugs, alcohol and smoking are also advised. Treatments include compression socks, blood pressure management and vascular surgery.

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