Whilst we are on the subject of weaning (did you see my las post, is Violet a FUSSY EATER?!) – I thought it would be fitting to write a little review of our super cute highchair as I’m always getting people asking me where it’s from and I am a little bit in love with
Review: Summer Infant Pop n’ Play Deluxe Playpen
People often ask me how I manage to work from home whilst looking after Violet. My blog is not just a hobby, but it’s actually my business that has supported us throughout my maternity leave, so finding time to fit work into my day is essential. Until about 2 months ago, fitting my work into
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Review: Mustela Baby Skincare & Giveaway
For the last few years, a trip to the Pharmacie was always a highlight of my French holidays. Caudalie, L’Occatane and Vichy are some of the brands I usually look out for, but now Violet is here my love for French skincare has extended to her too, having recently discovered lovely French brand for babies
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Review: Fisher-Price Zoom ‘n Crawl Monster
With Christmas fast approaching, I’ve been thinking a lot about what to buy for Violet – it’s been a hard one to plan in advance as a first time Mum as I have no idea where she will be in her development and what her interests will be – it literally it all changes month-by-month
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Our first holiday: Baby Skincare Essentials
I thought I was a pro at packing seeing as I was cabin crew so have packed a fair amount of suitcases, but however packing for a baby is like a completely different ball game! I think I spent more time packing for our holiday than we spent actually on holiday! 🙂 I’m so pleased
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Review: Summer Infant Panorama Digital Video Monitor
Violet is now officially in her own room – eek! Where did my little newborn go that slept so soundly in her bedside crib next to my pillow? We now have a boisterous 7 month old who was tossing and turning in the night, keeping us awake and getting frustrated when we woke her
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How I stroll with my Baby Jogger City Go
I absolutely love living right by the beach in Brighton, but logistics of getting out and about in a busy city with a baby have been a little tricky recently. As it’s the height of summer our city has been flooded with tourists, which is fab as there is always something going on but when
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Violet’s Water babies Underwater Photoshoot – our photos revealed!
Last week a very exciting parcel arrived through the door – inside was an intriguing little box with a USB stick shaped as an Otter with a camera. Plugging our little otter into my laptop the images from our Water Babies Underwater Photoshoot flashed up onto the screen – the images I’d eagerly been awaiting
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Water Babies Chapter 1: A review
Yesterday we finished our Water babies Chapter 1 baby swimming lessons with our amazing underwater photoshoot, so whilst it’s all fresh in my mind I thought I’d sit down this morning with a coffee in hand and write all about our experience as first timers at Water babies swimming lessons. There is so much information and
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The importance of Skin to Skin #PureLove
That first skin to skin moment with your new baby is one of the most magical and intimate moments you’ll ever experience, a memory I’ll certainly treasure forever. Skin to Skin has been proven to promote bonding, encourage the first feed and to help regulate your baby’s heart rate, breathing and temperature, so it’s amazingly important
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Newborn Sleep Essentials & a giveaway!
Babies and Sleep – it’s a big subject isn’t it? Maybe one of the most talked about in the parenting realm or at least level with the whole breast vs. bottle debate I’m sure. So, on the topic of sleep I recently wrote an article for Babycentre called ‘My newborn sleeps through the night, should
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Bathtime fun with Summer Infant Lil’ Luxuries Whirlpool, Bubbling Spa & Shower
Following on from my previous post, I thought I’d continue on the bath time theme by talking about another product that has really helped us make bath time as calming and as fun as possible for Violet – even in those early stages when times were really tough. We’ve gone from bath time being something of