Well hello there! It’s that time again to join in with the most inspirational blogger link-up on the net, the Nectar Collective’s Weekly Wishes. As I’ve been on holiday for a couple of weeks I’m just going to start from scratch again this time. Being on holiday is great but when I get back I love to have little goals to work to during the week, so this little link-up always keeps me motivated.
So, this week’s goals are:
- Set up a tropical fish tank and buy some fish! A very scary prospect as these little creatures demand the absolute perfect environment to live in, we have been given a tank and all the equipment we need, I just need to make sure we have the temperature right, the chemicals balanced and a filter to keep it all maintained. Eek, it looks very complicated. It’ll be worth it though as tropical fish are so pretty and so relaxing to watch after a stressful day. Wish me luck!
- Get organised for the Bitch & Stitch! The first meeting is just one week away, so I need to get myself together and make sure everything is in order so our first even goes swimmingly (haha I have fish on the brain). Check out Fiona’s guest post for more info on the Brighton Bitch and Stitch, which is open to all!
- Finish my crochet baby blanket! I am still working hard on items for my crochet Etsy store and as I’ve had some time off work I took on my biggest crochet project yet, a ripple pattern baby blanket. It’s taken me a lot longer than I expected so I just want to get it finished now…. and start the next one, ha!
Nearly there!
What are your wishes this week?
Feel free to join in with the link-up here: