• Breastfeeding: Pearl’s story so far…

    As Pearl is now 10 weeks old, it seemed like a poignant time to write this post about our breastfeeding journey. The 10 week marker is significant to us as it’s when I stopped breastfeeding with Violet. It was such an emotional week and a huge turning point in Violet’s early months, it sticks in my

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  • Pearl’s Positive Birth Story

    I can’t quite believe I’m writing this, but I am going to tell you my positive birth story. Yes, I actually experienced this elusive ‘positive birth’ that I’d heard everyone talking about but I’ll admit that in heart-of-hearts I never thought I’d ever be able to achieve. I might have even wondered if it was even

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  • Introducing Pearl

    Introducing our newest member of the family, Pearl Vivienne. Pearl arrived into our lives quickly on Saturday 4th August. It was the day of Brighton Pride and thankfully, being 39 weeks pregnant we didn’t go into town for the festivities, but to our local village fair instead, where my contractions began. At 11am I was chatting

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  • One Year On – A Family Portrait

    This time last year, I was midway through the IVF process. My life revolved around Dr’s appointments, ultrasounds and injections. Oh, the injections – there were so many! In total I injected myself for 14 weeks every single day – sometimes even twice a day. That’s around 126 injections I administered into my own skin.

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  • Violet’s Birth Story

    Right, here we go – it’s time to share the story of how my beautiful Ultra Violet came into the world. Before I gave birth, I loved reading other peoples birth stories, so I hope you find mine interesting too. I didn’t end up having the birth I planned for, but people always told me

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  • Introducing Violet

    You may have noticed things have been rather quiet around here…. That is because Violet Sandra arrived on 24th February 2017 and has turned our lives upside down! After a traumatic birth, she arrived into the world at 02:54am and life has not been the same since. I cannot imagine life without her now, our

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