Introducing Pearl

Introducing our newest member of the family, Pearl Vivienne. Pearl arrived into our lives quickly on Saturday 4th August. It was the day of Brighton Pride and thankfully, being 39 weeks pregnant we didn’t go into town for the festivities, but to our local village fair instead, where my contractions began. At 11am I was chatting to a local bee keeper about honey and thinking that the waves of pain crossing my tummy were starting to become a bit too strong to be thinking about honey – so at that point we decided to go home. We were shortly at the hospital and by 17:35, Pearl arrived after the birth I’d always hoped for at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, surrounded by the loveliest team of midwives. Honestly, it was the complete opposite to Violet’s birth, which has been so amazingly healing and given us a really good start as a family of four. So, at the moment we are just adjusting to our new family life, embracing the chaos of ‘two under two’ and soaking in those newborn cuddles and head sniffs a plenty.


Pearl is an amazingly chilled baby. She’s just slotted in so easily and is a super easy baby to look after, despite a few feeding issues in our first week. She loves her food and doesn’t stop eating – continually! Violet is the tricky one to look after, she was fine in the first few days, but after a week I think she realised Pearl was not being returned to where she came from and was here to stay, so we’ve had a few days of some serious tantrums, but I’m sure she will settle eventually. 

So over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing our birth story and how our life as a family of four is unfolding when I snatch the odd moment to get onto my laptop, however for now I’m sharing daily stories and pictures over on Instagram, so do join me there for lots of regular updates! ?


Pearl Vivienne – Born 4th August 2018 at 5:35pm

Weighing 6lb 9oz


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