It’s been a while since I joined in with the Weekly Wishes link-up. Things in my life are a bit messy at the moment so I thought it would be a good time to get back into the habit and set some goals to give me some focus and motivation over the coming weeks. I also love the inspiration this link-up brings by linking up to bloggers around the world who are completing their goals for the week and reading about their journeys too, it’s so interesting to see what everyone else is focusing on. As its been a while since I joined in, I’ll start afresh today with three new goals and go from there… Here goes!
Settle back into my flat, but make it personal. After the breakup I stayed with friends and my parents for a couple of weeks, however now I have our old flat all to myself for a couple of months. It’s full to the brim of old memories, which isn’t a healthy environment for moving on so I’m going to give it a full spring clean and a big change up! I’ve already started changing things up by buying ultra-sexy Kylie Minogue Satin Bedsheets for a touch of luxury. Changing things whilst I’m still here will help me to move on and start thinking about my own personal tastes and preferences. It’s really nice to be able to have freedom and to do what I want with noone to answer to for once so I need to make the most of it!
Start a new crochet project. Along the same lines of personalising my new bedroom, this week I ordered this gorgeous bundle of wool, ready to make a blanket like the one on the right. I can’t wait for it to arrive to get started on my new colourful project.
Treat myself! My hair colour has faded and my shoes are falling apart. This week I need to put myself first and treat myself to some new things and start feeling good again. I also need to take some time out to relax and recoup after a stressful couple of weeks, as I feel I’ve been burning the candle at both ends. I think there will be a few early nights with a book to come.
Right, thats my goals for the week, good luck with your goals if you are joining in too!