• Pearl’s First Christmas

    Last year I learned that planning a family Christmas for one baby was magical, even though Violet didn’t have a clue what was going on. This year I learned planning Christmas for TWO babies, one with a head-to-toe viral rash and tonsillitis…. is CHAOS. Christmas this year was most certainly low-key but it was Pearl’s

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  • The Christmas Tag 2018

    Over the last few days we’ve mainly been found hibernating on the sofa watching Christmas movies, so I thought it would be the perfect time to complete this years Christmas Tag! Little Violet is currently really poorly with tonsillitis and an allergic reaction to penicillin so we’ve been staying in the warm, watching Christmas movies

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  • Pearl’s Two Month Update

    Little Pearly-Whirl is officially TWO MONTHS OLD! So it’s time for a little update to see how she is getting on! I wrote these updates for Violet so I wanted to keep the same memories for Pearl too. Since Pearl came along I’ve realised how lovely it is to read back over Violet’s updates from

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