• Pearl’s Positive Birth Story

    I can’t quite believe I’m writing this, but I am going to tell you my positive birth story. Yes, I actually experienced this elusive ‘positive birth’ that I’d heard everyone talking about but I’ll admit that in heart-of-hearts I never thought I’d ever be able to achieve. I might have even wondered if it was even

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  • When Robbie met Pearl

    Every girl needs a furry best friend, right?! Well, Robbie is in luck as he just got a brand new playmate to play with and he couldn’t be a prouder big brother! If you’ve been reading my blog a while, I’m sure you’ll have seen me talking about Robbie, but if not – let me

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  • We moved house!

    I’m sure you’ll know by all my elated, frazzled, slightly ranty or damn right stressed posts on social media that we have recently just moved house! We’ve received a fair few comments from people saying ‘Are you MAD? You are 6 months pregnant and have a one year old – you can’t move now!’ but when

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  • A Second Baby: My Hopes and Fears

    I feel like my two pregnancies have been different in so many ways. I’ve had completely different symptoms and the biggest change has been how I’ve been feeling emotionally. I think with Violet’s pregnancy, I didn’t really know what to expect, so it was a constant excitement and apprehension that goes with anything new. This

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  • Violet is ONE!

    It seems like only yesterday that Violet was born  and now she’s a ONE YEAR OLD. I just can’t get my head around how quickly the year has gone! Sadly, on her birthday, she woke up lots in the night with a streaming cold, she had a really awful nights sleep in our bed (meaning

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