Learning to Crochet #1: Be a part of my blanket!

Hey Peaches, 
If you follow me on Twitter and Instagram, you will have seen lots of pictures and updates recently on my journey of learning to crochet! I was featured in Lets Get Crafting: Knit & Crochet magazine in May as a knitter, and one lazy afternoon I was flicking through the magazine and felt inspired to try one of their crochet patterns. You get free wool & a crochet hook included with the magazine, so I picked it up and had a go. To start with I found it very odd, I’m so used to having two needles I felt I didn’t know what to do with my left hand. I was so clumsy and eventually tied the wool into a huge knot on the end of my hook. It really didn’t come naturally to me, but I’m pretty stubborn and decided not to give up. 
I used the magazines Stitch guidelines at the back, which were a godsend. The instructions are so clear with pretty pictures, simple enough for someone like me to follow 😉 
I then backed it up by watching lots of YouTube tutorials, over and over until I started to form something that looked a little less like a knot, but stitches. Wonky, but I was going in the right direction. 
After lots of practice attempts I’m now working on my first project. A bright, funky sunburst granny square blanket. 
(I found the pattern here.)
Here is my attempt so far: 
As you can see it’s not perfect, but I’m quite proud of it so far, as a first attempt! I’m waiting until I’ve made all my squares to sew them all together so I can chose a pretty order for them to go in. 
I then came up with a fun idea to get all you lovelies onboard with being part of my sunburst blanket. Every time I make a new square I want it to as unique and different as possible. So, below you will see a picture of all of the balls of wool I have collected so far.
I want you to chose your favourite three shades from the below picture so I can make your very own unique square, that will feature in my blanket – dedicated to you, of course! 🙂 When it is done I will take lots of pics and link them back to those who made suggestions. 
Leave me a comment below with your choice of colours like this. 
(The outer edge will always be cream, so no need to chose that one)
Here are your choices:
I want to get some more colours so will let you know when I do.
I’m also thinking of posting a tutorial on this, would you like to see that? 
Right, suggestions and colours please….. GO! 

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