Weekly Wishes #6

Ok so it’s been a couple of weeks since I completed Weekly Wishes, I don’t know why but I can’t seem to keep up at the moment, the weeks are flying by so quickly, I almost feel like by the time I’ve written by goals for the week, we are onto the next. So here are my updated goals, and an update from last time. For everyone who is new to my blog, I’m linking up with one of the most inspiring blogs out there – The Nectar Colletive and joining the Weekly Wishes link-up. Join in, it’s fun! 🙂

So, what’s happening now? My goals last time were:

  • Set up a tropical fish tank and buy some fish: TICK! We now have a beautiful aquarium in our front room with 17 little residents. They are so fun and interesting to watch, it’s a really nice hobby which is relaxing too. We might even be able to breed them and have baby fish, it’ll be very exciting! I’m happy with my new little pets.
  • Get organised for the Bitch & Stitch: TICK! We held the Brighton Bloggers Bitch & Stitch on the 7th October and it was a success! Pictures and an update here.
  • Finish my crochet baby blanket: TICK! All finished and now listed on my Etsy Store awaiting a new home 🙂
Welcoming our newest arrivals 🙂

And my goals this week are:

  • Look after my nails! Last week I went to a spa opening with the lovely Carrie:Brighton. During our visit I realised I have never had a manicure, the reason being is that I pick/bite my nails and the surrounding area – I’ve always been too embarrassed by this to want my nails done. So now I’m going to really take care of them and kick the biting habit. I’ve painted my nails now with my favourite OPI polish, I’ve been dosing up on thick moisturisng hand cream every couple of hours and if I can get them to look nice over the next couple of weeks I’m going to treat myself to a manicure as an incentive.
  • Go and see the specialist! Finally the week of my hospital appointment has arrived, after a 2 month wait I’m finally going to see a respiratory specialist. I’m a bit nervous as I don’t know what the outcome will be, but I’m so pleased I’m finally getting to see someone and have some tests done. Wish me luck!
  • Read & Relax! As I’ve been so poorly recently I need to continue to relax and make sure I fit in ‘me time’. I am always so busy with work, blogging and now my Etsy store that sometimes I forget to rest up. I will make sure to factor some rest in this week, with nice hot baths, candles and my kindle.

So that’s my Weekly Wishes! Good luck to everyone joining in! Make sure you leave your blog link in the comments below if you do 🙂

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