Violet is three!

I can’t quite believe I’m writing this but today Violet is THREE. Definitely not a baby and not even a toddler – she’s a proper little girl ready to take on the world! I feel like I was just writing her birth story and now I’m writing about a three-year-old. Am I stuck in a crazy surreal time machine – where did the time go?

Violet is turning into the sweetest, most caring, gentle girl. She loves nothing more than caring for others, playing games with her dolls, putting them to bed, patting them, rocking them or brushing her My Little Pony’s tails. I often see her holding her baby gently singing and stroking her hair, saying “Don’t worry, Mummy is here, I’ve got you forever” – which just melts my heart. She’s a great big sister as she’ll often hold Pearl’s hand or guide her when she’s too little to do something. She often says ‘Mummy, are you okay?’ or ‘you look tired Mummy, shall I make you a coffee?’ which makes me laugh.

She’s become so curious in the last couple of months, often asking ‘Mummy, what you doing?’ and ‘What’s that?’ – We spend hours discussing how things work in the world and she listens with fascination. Her favourite conversation at the moment is to talk about how the sun has gone to sleep and is hiding behind the clouds. She asked me to stop it raining and make it sunny so she could play in the garden – I wish I could!

Violet loves joining in with things around the house especially if it involves making cakes and getting covered in chocolate! She always asks me to “Do my sneezes” (which means ‘roll up my sleeves’) and put on her ‘aprint’. She’s still as fussy as ever with her eating but I’ve learned to keep it simple and stick to the things she loves, she’ll hopefully grow out of this phase eventually.

She has been through a massive growth spurt and eaten us out of house and home, so I know even if her diet is limited she’s still thriving as she seemed to grow out of all her clothes at once!

Her sleeping isn’t perfect and we often play music beds in the middle of the night, but if I’m totally honest I quite enjoy the nights she choses to sleep in our bed, I’m sure in a few years she won’t want to so I’ll make the most of it!

Violet loves all things stereotypically girly, she would live in a princess dress if she could surrounded by flying unicorns and glitter. I’m often taking her out of the house in a strange mixture of frills and wellies – she sure her own style and won’t be told otherwise!

Violet has turned overnight from a toddler into a little girl and a friend. Spending days out with her is so much fun, we chat all the time like I’m not just her Mummy but her best friend too. I really couldn’t have asked for a sweeter little girl, who I love with all my heart.


Photos by Nicola Jackson Photography

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