Weekly Wishes #12

I’m really enjoying this link-up at the moment and setting myself little goals for the week! Last week was a busy one, I had plans every evening after work and burnt the candle at both ends, so much for sleeping more! It’s been fun though, but this week is all about being healthy and organised….

So last weeks goals were:

Catchup with old friends!  Yep! I was busy all week catching up with everyone and had a fabulous time in the process. 

Host a little gathering!  Yep! I held a little gathering for some friends from work which was great, looking forward to the next one already… 

Catch up on sleep! Hmm, yes and no! I’ve been super busy so haven’t had as much time as I’d hoped for catching up on my Zzz’s. I’m at home tonight so I’m going to have a relaxing bath before an early night to ensure I’m fully caught up for the week ahead.  

This weeks goals are:

Eat Healthy! It’s time to get in shape ready for Peru, so this week I will be making sure to cut out sugary treats and stick to 3 healthy meals a day. I don’t plan to diet, but I think there are a few changes I could make. I have already noticed I’ve lost a bit of weight since the break-up as I found being around another person encouraged me to eat. Now I’m on my own I’m tending to eat a lot less and serve a portion size right for me. 

Gym Classes! This goes hand in hand with eating healthily. I’m booked into three gym classes for next week, Step, Body Pump and Body Balance. I’m also planning a long walk at the weekend (hopefully if it’s not raining!), so that will keep me active and busy!

Get Organised! As I was so busy last week I feel I haven’t been the most organised, I’ve got a stack of letters that haven’t been opened and emails to reply to. As I’m solely looking after the flat now I have all the bills to sort too. This week I need to get myself organised before I end up forgetting something important. I really hate feeling disorganised, many lists will be made! 😉
Thats it for this week! Join in the link-up here:

The Nectar Collective

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