I wrote a children’s story! Introducing ‘Where The Little Things Are’ | AD

Post in paid partnership with HiPP Organic 

I can’t tell you how excited and proud I am to be sharing today’s post as –  I wrote a children’s story! It’s been a long time coming with all the planning in the background, I am so thrilled I can finally tell you all about it. So, I’d like to introduce to you ‘Where The Little Things Are’ – a collection of 3 short stories in partnership with HiPP Organic. We have each written a story which aims to educate little ones on the natural world, by discussing the creatures who are at the heart of the eco-systems that help to produce the food that we eat.

Each book is made with a seeded front cover and printed with ecologically friendly ink, meaning the cover can be removed and planted in the garden to help grow beautiful plants and flowers that will attract insects and wildlife to your garden.

I’ve also got 700 copies of the book to giveaway, so do keep reading for details on how to enter and snap up a copy!



My story is the tale of Wiggly Wendy – a cute earthworm who might look sweet, but she knows who’s boss when it comes to creating the perfect environment for growing plants. Earthworms are crucial to our eco-system as they help to increase the amount of air and water that gets into the soil through aeration. Earthworms also break down organic matter, like leaves, grass and twigs into nutrients that plants can use to grow. My story focuses on the important part earthworms play in our natural environment in a fun, easy to read story that can be enjoyed by little ones from around 12m+.

Violet and Pearl absolutely loved reading my story! Violet pointed out Wiggly Wendy had a plaster on so she must work really hard as she’s got a ‘baddy’ – it’s funny the little things that children observe! The girls loved the ending and seeing how Wiggly Wendy’s hard work had paid off. They were eager to get their spades and dig in the garden to find their own Wiggly Wendy.

Also in the book is the story of Spikey Mikey (a hedgehog) and Izzy Bee (a bee) although I won’t give too much of the storylines away!


Once you’ve finished reading your book, you can remove the front cover which is made from live seeded paper and printed with ecologically friendly ink. This is best done by an adult with scissors, rather than tearing the front page off as it’ll help keep it intact to read time and time again – you know what excitable toddlers are like!

We took our book into the garden on a sunny day to plant our seeds. The live seeded paper contains Black Knapweed, Meadow Buttercup, Musk Mallow, Ox-Eye Daisy, Red Campion and Yarrow which are all wildflowers that insects just love, and when they have fully grown they should attract bees, butterflies, caterpillars and other insects which help our eco-systems to thrive.

The perfect place to grow seeds was within our used HiPP Organic Toddler Meal trays, it’s also a way to teach the girls about recycling and reusing products. We made little holes in the bottom of the trays and filled them with compost. They are heart-shaped so make the cutest little planters!

The girls then enjoyed ripping up bits of the cover to plant into their trays.

We gave them a water and popped them in a sunny spot in our greenhouse, ready to watch the magic happen! It should take around a month to see some shoots, so we’ll be keeping it watered and be excitedly waiting for our first signs of new life.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a garden, you could easily pot these seeds into trays and grow them on a sunny windowsill in your house, then move them to bigger pots when they start to grow.


Now onto the most exciting part! There is an AMAZING 700 copies of this beautiful book to giveaway to some lucky winners! If you would like to get your hands on a copy of the book, click here to enter.


I’ve been excited to work on this project with HiPP Organic as not only does it teach little ones about our natural world and the creatures that live within, but it educates them on where their food comes from. The girls have been raised on a healthy and varied diet and HiPP Organic baby food jars, toddler meal trays and fruit pouches were a huge part of their weaning journeys. In fact, back when Violet was only 6 months old I wrote this blog post with a hilarious video of her taste tasting HiPP Organic babyfood jars, looking back at it now it’s so sweet! As you can see – she’s changed so much, but HiPP Organic have been there with us for the entire journey.

HiPP Organic has been creating organic baby food for over 60 years, working with over 8000 organic farmers as they believe organic is the best way to produce healthy baby food. They also work to create the most sustainable baby food, using sustainable energy sources and packaging too, which is so reassuring too.

For more information on HiPP Organic and ‘Where The Little things Are’ head to the HiPP Organic website.

Photography by Nicola Jackson Photography

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  • It’s wonderful to see young children learning about how important the eco system is and thoroughly enjoying getting involved. Well done Lyndsay and friends.

  • Well done you! Not only for writing the story but for the amazing cover that can be planted. I’ve never come across that before but what a fab way to get the little one’s interested in growing things.

  • I’m a huge book fan and would like my Grandson to be the same, so I’d love to win this for us both.

  • Firstly, congratulations on the book, what an amazing opportunity! Secondly, it sounds like a great book for learning and having fun at the same time and it is something my daughter would definitely love! & lastly all the photos are so cute! I bet the girls loved taking part in this.

  • Ah Lyndsay! This is amazing!! Huge congratulations on the book and what a wonderful way to teach little ones about the natural world. Well done to all – an important subject communicated in a fun and interesting way. I’m sure it will be a big hit!!